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Matters of Faith
Druidry, Witchcraft and NeoPaganism.

Featured Titles
Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America Today
Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America Today

For nearly two decades, Drawing Down the Moon, the only detailed history of a little-known and widely misunderstood movement, has provided the most authoritative look at the religious beliefs, experiences, and lifestyles of the neopagan culture.

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Related Titles

The Witch's Master Grimoire: An Encyclopedia of Charms, Spells, Formulas and Magical Rituals
The Witch's Master Grimoire: An Encyclopedia of Charms, Spells, Formulas and Magical Rituals

This book contains numerous spells and magical rites in an A-Z format that are simple and easy to follow. Many of them make use of the power of fire through the flame of a candle. Others rely on the subtle vibrations of herbs, plants, and minerals. Those that require special oils or incenses also provide the recipes for making them.

Witchcrafting: A Spiritual Guide to Making Magic
Witchcrafting: A Spiritual Guide to Making Magic

Rich with detailed advice for making magic, working with Nature, and finding the Divine within, as well as thought-provoking evaluations of this remarkable spirituality, Witch Crafting is the special volume that you’ve been searching for. Whether you are a beginner or have been practicing Witchcraft for years, whether you worship in a coven or on your own, Witch Crafting is the ideal handbook for you, or anyone seeking to unlock the divine power that makes real magic happen and experience the ecstasy, energy, and gifts of the Universe more fully.