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Featured Titles
The Encyclopedia of Energy Healing: A Complete Guide to Uusing the Major Forms of Healing for Body, Mind and Spirit
The Encyclopedia of Energy Healing: A Complete Guide to Uusing the Major Forms of Healing for Body, Mind and Spirit

Take a fresh approach to eliminating disease and achieving emotional fulfillment though the Eastern concept of chi, or the flow of good energy. With this far-ranging and comprehensive encyclopedia, you get advice on what form of healing energy to apply, how to select a complementary therapist, and what to expect from the process. Tap into one or more forms of holistic medicine: the healing touch; traditional Chinese practices; mind energy; esoteric energy; crystals; flowers and plants; and color, light, and sound. Find out which conditions benefit from this type of healing.

Hands-on Healing: A Practical Guide to Channeling Your Healing Energies
Hands-on Healing: A Practical Guide to Channeling Your Healing Energies

Designed as both a workbook and a general theoretical primer for energy healing, Angelo's book presents more than 100 exercises intended to help students intuitively open to their innate healing power and direct it for the benefit of themselves and others.

Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing
Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing

This book shows the links between emotional and spiritual stresses and specific illnesses in the context of the anatomy of the human energy system. It also presents Dr. Myss's long-awaited model of the body's seven centers of spiritual and physical power, in which she synthesizes the ancient wisdom of three spiritual traditions - the Hindu chakras, the Christian sacraments, and the Kabbalah's Tree of Life. With this model, she shows how you can develop your own latent powers of intuition as you simultaneously develop your personal power and spiritual maturity. By learning to see your body and spirit in a new way that draws on old truths, you can begin to develop a spiritual maturity and authority that will change your life.


Special Selections

Shaman, Healer, Sage: How to Heal Yourself and Others with the Energy Medicine of the Americas
Shaman, Healer, Sage: How to Heal Yourself and Others with the Energy Medicine of the Americas

Villoldo explains that central to shamanic healing is the concept of the Luminous Energy Field that is believed to surround our material bodies. His book teaches us to see and influence the imprints that disease leaves on this field and thereby to heal ourselves and others, as well as prevent illness. He weaves wonderful teaching stories throughout about the healing power of the energy medicine of the Americas. This book is rich with ancient wisdom and contemporary techniques we can use to help ourselves and others, as well as with the more advanced methods of master shamans, which are being brought to a wide audience for the first time.

The Twelve Wild Swans: A Journey to the Realm of Magic, Healing, and Action
The Twelve Wild Swans: A Journey to the Realm of Magic, Healing, and Action

A fairy tale about 12 wild swans is transformed by the authors into a set of instructions for an initiatory journey into the world of magic and witchcraft. Continuing the lessons and deepening the knowledge first set out in The Spiral Dance, this book is the first to provide advanced magical training. A sourcebook for circles, covens, and groups, this volume instructs on three levels—the craft of magical training, inner-spiritual development, and outer work in the greater world. It will be a required resource for all students, teachers, and leaders in the growing Goddess movement.